Short Film Collection 1 Who, Me? Who, You?
From IAFFF 2023 London Finalist Film “Swimming“
IAFFF Curator's Statement
As humans, we have always positioned ourselves as guardians of the natural world. However, for animals, living in a world created, harvested, and developed by human capital, their habitats have become increasingly restricted and limited.
Why is it that humans always enjoy attributing auspicious or malevolent symbolism to animals? When we view ourselves from the perspective of nature documentaries, what do we see? How will a young girl, who longs to become a fish, react and take action when her beloved pet fish passes away? This collection of short films revolves around a perspective that challenges and reflects upon human-centric views, attempting to confront and question the absolute dominance and authority humans have over the world, aiming to establish a new order. In this process, we ask ourselves: Who am I? And who are you?
Turtles, goldfish, pigs, rabbits—these are the everyday animals that we encounter, along with the ecological communities within a forgotten small forest, serving as the protagonists of this film series. The creators of these films span from 21 to 76 years old, and they have dedicated themselves to in-depth explorations and discoveries in the natural world. Among them are writers, translators, environmentalists, animal photographers, and illustrators... This sequence of short films will present the creators' imaginations and explorations of nature in diverse forms.
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